So...it has come to my attention that I should let everyone know that I am ok now. That I have, to date, lost over 210 pounds. Ok. I have lost over 210 pounds. What? You don't believe me? Alright here are some pictures. The first picture is with my cousins (left, Brad - right, Brent). Many people said that they thought that those who read this should know, even though I feel it may take away from the dramatic effect of the story, that there is light at the end of the tunnel and I am now almost into that light. That there is a light for everyone who is like me. The road that I have traveled, and am still traveling, is not easy. Let me be more accurate, the road I have traveled and am still traveling is perilous. I have come close to death. I have lost more than most people will understand. I am not the only one though. There are hundreds of thousands who have lost, and are losing,

more than any human should. I am not saying that others, not in my situation, have not lost as much as I. Or that have not lost more. I am saying that most cannot understand what has been lost. It is an
un-needed loss. For some, self control was the issue. For others, it was beyond their control. I, more than anybody, was utterly unable to comprehend how out of control things were. I just didn't know. Not until
I decided to do something about it. And that was the first step because, God knows, I could not and cannot do this on my own. I needed help to save me. Pictured with me in the above picture is my sister Tiffany. She is just one of the caring people that stood at my side to help me. All that being said, things are better now. I am happy. My life has more meaning than it did before and my life has
What quality was there before? Living to eat? Living to hide? That, of course, is not living. That is an existence in hell. Who wants to live in hell?!?? Not me! These are a few

reasons why I made the decision to take control and not to give up. Not to commit suicide one day, one meal at a time. Anyone who is in the same predicament that I was/am, can do something about it. You have the power to save yourself. This is not only true for me, for those who are overweight or obese. This is true for
everyone. Not to sound to "self help"-ish, but the key is self-empowerment. What are you going to do? Who are you going to let control you and your future? Someone/ Something else? I should hope not. My other sisters, Tara (above) and Trisha said that to me. Don't get me wrong, there are amazing stories and medicine out there, but a miracle is not going save you. There is no quick fix to a problem like this. As I said before, the road is perilous. It probably is going to be the most difficult thing one will endure. I do not know how many dark

moments that I went through. I do know that there is a way out. You are most likely not going to look like a supermodel or a movie star in the end. You are, however, going to look very good. You are going to be healthy. You are going to be happy. So please bear with me as I tell my story. Know that things work out. Take from my accomplishments, as well as my mistakes and shortcomings, knowledge that will help you. We must use the knowledge at our disposal to help us. We must use the help of others. We must overcome the fears that we entertain in our darkest thoughts. We must not be afraid to face who we are. It is forever a battle with one's self that we all must fight.
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